An MSNBC Anchor Looked For Her Childhood Home In The LA Fires And Was Stunned By What She Saw

“I don’t even know what to say,” said Tur, a Los Angeles native, after being silent for more than 10 seconds as she took in the sight of the property in ruins.
Tur then pointed to where her family’s garage, living room, kitchen and bedrooms used to be as she reflected on going to high school and college from the now-destroyed home.
“I threw my first house party; the cops showed up. I lost my grandmother when I was living here, to lung cancer. My parents lost their entire business. My dad almost died. My dog was eaten by a coyote,” said Tur, who noted that she was thinking of the “bad” memories instead of the “good” ones.
She added that her mother’s “pride and joy” was a “great, big baby grand piano” where she played Chopin in the home.